Thursday, January 14, 2010

My 21 Senior High School

21 Senior High School

this is my one and only Senior High School. lots of moment were here. 1st graduated, was when the 1st time I came in class of X2. the named of class was XT-CALEBOUR. made by uus, where the mean is a wonderful sword. This are the girls pict that taken when we were on the class of x-2. we love each other :D

the person in this picture named Eshany Ashila, she's my bestfriend too. she have been and being there when I have a problem. especially with boys. lol :) I knew her for 3 years. now we are finally "LULUS"! when she was on the 10 graduated, she loved editing photoshop, playing games, collecting gogirl! magazine. and the most appreciated me for her is.. she makes a plan, then targetting what she wants to be. and mostly, she has that goal ! Good for you darl !

Here is again, still the same, but not all joining this photo. hm.. we have called name a big group. PG was the named. the name was made by Vallentino Panjaitan, she's part of PG but she was almost never took photo. and we love Valen eventhough we didn't know where she is now.. but we're all love you valen.

lets move!
It's my third grade, my social one. full of happine
ss and we known each other for a long time. the moments was greatful. I don't know why, but everything seemed funny and the laughter was show on everyday. "we're all in one. we're are one, we're all the same, we're here together, now-and hope for forever,VIENAS !"

Vienas was name of our third class, the name VIENAS means ONE. thats why we told, we are all the same, we are one. in this grade, we understood about a togetherness. and in this grade too, I found friends and made ladies as a group that we are together no matter the things we have.
  • this is pict where we took for yearbook, location : sentul

  • This is one of the silliest person in class. we called him BOTAK. look at what he done? lol

  • bellow, this was taken when our school held a TURBOPLAST, stands for TURnamen BOla PLASTik. we are the secondary winner of all class. the 1st winner was class of science2.
  • and I always remember the BK's room in our school. whenever we need, even just for "leha leha" or just figure out jokes with student or conselour teacher, we go to there !


1 comment:

  1. booooy, valen named Valentine, not Valentino. kebiasaan gonta gani nama orang deh! aahahahahahahaha
