Monday, January 18, 2010
Do Men Can Do?
everyone cause women actually ain't well very much to assosiate so they will know who's the mr right that will come.
when get married, women are ready to put off their pleasure of taste the world, get pregnant cause have to be able to bring a happiness to their husband, get ill and retch cause of
the baby inside, get fat cause of pregnant, get rough cause they have to fight all of the body to reveal their child, get lost their blood cause of too much blood stream,
get smile to look for their child when the body lost the energy. get patient when their husband almost lost the brain by dishonest and drift away, apolozing everytime their lover
did it again. be good house wifes as a public guidance.
can men do that?
Joy Enriquez How Can I Not Love You Lyrics
Cannot touch
Cannot hold
Cannot be together
Cannot love
Cannot kiss
Cannot have each other
Must be strong,
And we must let go
Cannot say
What our hearts must know
How can I not love you
What do I tell my heart
When do I not want you
Here in my arms
How does one waltz away
From all the memories
How do I not miss you
When you are gone
Cannot dream
Cannot share
Sweet and tender moments
Cannot feel
How we feel
Must pretend it's over
Must be brave,
And we must go on
Must not say,
What we've known all along
How can I not love you
What do I tell my heart
When do I not want you
Here in my arms
How does one waltz away
From all the memories
How do I not miss you
When you are gone
How can I not love you..
[[Musical Interlude]]
Must be brave,
And we must be strong
Cannot say,
What we've known all along.
How can I not love you
What do I tell my heart
When do I not want you
Here in my arms
How does one waltz away
From all the memories
How do I not miss you
When you are gone
How can I not love you..
When you are you gone.....
Saya masih bingung
kalo saya definiskan musibah, sebagai sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan, jelas kontradiksi dengan statement diatas. toh setiap ada musibah berarti ada ilmu baru lagi, dan dapet ilmu baru jelas bukan sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan!
begitu juga dengan anugrah, kalo saya artikan sebagai sesuatu yang menyenangkan, jadi rancu juga. kan dalam statement diatas disebut bahwa anugrah adalah salah satu cara tuhan mengadili kita! sejak kapan di adili jadi kegiatan favorit seseorang?
saya semakin bingung lagi ketika di ajari untuk bersyukur di kala mendapat anugrah, dan bersabar ketika dapat musibah. sabar itu apa? sukur itu apa? kalo sabar adalah sikap diam dan cenderung menahan diri, lalu kenapa saya disuruh bersabar ketika mendapat musibah? bukankah itu berarti saya mendapat ilmu baru?
dan kalo saya di suruh bersyukur ketika mendapat anugrah, apa yang saya akan syukuri? bukan kah kesyukuran itu adalah sikap menerima sesuatu dengan rasa senang dan terimakasih? kenapa saya bersyukur ketika saya di adili dan di uji?
belakangan saya mulai menyakini bahwa hidup adalah kestabilan yang tidak bisa diukur. ya, karna terlalu stabil. saya pernah denger sebuah kutipan kitab suci berbunyi “sesungguhnya ada kemudahan di balik kesulitan” ketika saya merasakan kesulitan, ada kemudahan? apakah dua hal ini adalah sesuatu yang sama? kenapa saya harus takut menerima musibah bila dibaliknya ada kemudahan? dan bila kemudahan diasosiasikan sebagai anugrah, kenapa saya harus bersyukur? bukankah itu berarti saya sedang di uji?
ah entahlah, hidup adalah sebuah proses menuju mati. siapa yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi setelah kematian? siapa yang tahu artinya sebuah proses bernama hidup. ini adalah sebuah skema yang di rancang tidak untuk di pahami. cukup bagi saya untuk mengetahui siapa saya, apa diri saya, dan apa yang ada di dalam diri saya.Sunday, January 17, 2010
berjalan berduaan dengan pasangan. Berbeda dengan perempuan yang fokus pada pasangannya.
Faktanya, tidak seluruhnya benar. Sebuah hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa perempuan juga suka melirik bahkan terkadang lebih. Tapi beruntunglah karena perempuan memiliki luas pandang mata yang lebih lebar, jadi jarang tertangkap basah.
Mitos, lelaki pandai berbohong.
Faktanya, otak perempuan lebih piawai memadukan dan menerjemahkan isyarat verbal, visual dan bahasa tubuh lainnya. Sehingga kaum perempuan mampu menangkap ada yang tidak beres jika lelaki berbohong. Jadi lelaki selalu mengalami kesulitan saat mencoba berbohong secara face to face. Jika mereka ingin berbohong, sebagian besar mereka memilih melakukannya lewat telepon, surat, sms atau email.
Mitos, lelaki tidak peka terhadap perasaan perempuan.
Faktanya, lelaki bukan paranormal. Riset membuktikan bahwa lelaki memang 'pembaca pikiran' yang buruk. Jadi jangan buang-buang waktu anda dengan mengirim sinyal atau sindiran. Katakan dengan jelas keinginan anda, straight to the point dan tidak perlu bertele-tele.
Mitos, lelaki tidak suka disaingi oleh perempuan. Makanya mereka lebih menyukai perempuan yang terlihat lemah atau inferior.
Faktanya adalah bukan jamannya lagi lelaki menyukai perempuan lemah. Kini lelaki menyukai perempuan yang kompeten dan memiliki segudang kemampuan. Mereka lelah dan akan merasa bosan jika harus menghadapi anak kecil yang terperangkap dalam tubuh perempuan dewasa.
Mitos, isi kepala lelaki hanya seks, seks dan seks.
Faktanya, hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa lelaki memiliki volume hormon testeron 20 kali lebih besar. Plus hipotalamus, bagian otak yang merupakan pusat pengendali kehidupan seks manusia juga lebih besar. Tidak heran jika birahi lelaki lebih meledak-ledak daripada perempuan. Hasil survei menyimpulkan bahwa 37% lelaki di seluruh dunia selalu memikirkan seks setiap 30 menit.
Mitos, dalam mencari pasangan, lelaki lebih mengutamakan penampilan fisik. Jika diberi peringkat maka urutannya adalah penampilan yang oke, tubuh seksi dan kepribadian di urutan paling terakhir.
Faktanya, sebuah riset yang dilakukan terhadap lebih dari 15.000 lelaki dan perempuan berusia 17 hingga 60 tahun mengungkapkan hal yang berbeda. Yang dicari oleh kaum lelaki pada diri perempuan adalah kepribadian, penampilan yang keren, kecerdasan otak, selera humor dan tubuh bagus.
Mitos, lelaki takut komitmen.
Faktanya, memang perempuan selalu mendambakan sebuah komitmen. Sedangkan bagi lelaki, komitmen adalah tembok penghalang untuk menikmati fantasinya menjalin hubungan dengan banyak perempuan.
Mitos, lelaki alergi dengan kata maaf.
Faktanya, otak lelaki memang berbeda dengan perempuan. Jika perempuan mudah sekali mengucap maaf sedangkan lelaki lebih suka menunjukkan penyesalannya dengan memberi bunga atau kejutan-kejutan istimewa.
How to Know If a Guy likes You ?
- Examine his body language, If he likes you, you may see that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans towards you, and also looks at you a lot.
- Notice his eye contact. If he likes you, he may either look away quickly if he is shy, or he'll try to catch your eye and hold it or make faces. This can be uncomfortable if you don't like him. If you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly, then there is something there. When he's around you and he says/does something funny and everyone around laughs, his eyes will flicker towards you for a second to see if you laughed, too.
His pupils may dilate if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes. If you're around him for a long time, it could be easier to pick up on what he's saying. If he likes you, and he's nervous, he'll probably start talking about himself. Many times, guys feel the need to prove themselves- especially if you talk about another guy in his company.Be aware of touching.
- He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, and won't move his leg if it happens to touch yours, or he may hug you for small things - all are good signs of a guy liking you, unless he's a bit of a "playboy" who flirts with a lot of girls. See if he uses any of the tricks in How to Touch a Girl, and see if he uses them more with you than with anyone else.
- Watch his actions around other girls and see if he treats you differently. Some guys flirt with other girls to get your attention. It gives them a chance to see your reaction, and helps them know if you really do like them or not. You can tell that they are trying to make you jealous if they find little times when they're flirting with the other girl to look at you. His eyes will flick over and look at you. Another sign is that when you leave, he stops flirting with the other girl. That will be a harder one to pick up on, but you can have a friend look for you or something like that. You have to be sneaky sometimes to find out if a guy likes you.
- Watch for him showing interest in things you like and do. For example, if you like a certain genre of music that he likes as well, he may suggest bands or artists for you to listen to. Another example, if you play sports he may ask to play against you just to show off that he's good at something you both like and then also have a reason to give you compliments as well.
- Check for signs of nervousness Nervous laughter, sweaty palms, deep breaths, fidgeting, looking away quickly when you notice if he is watching you are all good signs of an attraction towards you and that he is nervous about making an impression on someone he fancies.
- Pay attention to his friends. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him. study their reactions to your presence - do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do they smirk in a way that suggests they know something that you don't?
- Don't ignore him If he shows genuine interest in you, (i.e. smiles at you a lot in the hallway, work, etc., at least go out for a walk.)
- Look to see if he imitates you If he mimics you, he probably likes you, such as, if you move to another table, he'll go with you.(I've had a guy who liked me mimic me before, so I know this is one thing)
- Teasing If a guy teases you a lot, it might mean he likes you, but if he doesn't tease any other girl, he probably does like you.
- Hitting A guy may hit you but it's just flirting he probably just wants to see your smile i have had a few guys that will hit me that like me. You may find it annoying if you're not into him, but otherwise if you hit back then that's a way then he can know that you like him back!
- Compliments If you do your hair or makeup differently one day, and the guy notices, that's a very good sign that he likes you. Most guys won't notice, and if they do, they won't say anything unless they're into you. Anything like, "You look nice today," "I like that shirt," or even "Did you do your hair differently today? It looks nice," are all indicators that he could be interested in you. NOTE: If he's a good friend of yours, these won't necessarily be indicators of romantic interest. It could just be him being a good friend.
for me, kind of a misterious guy is cool. I like this kind of guy. seems rarest in the world. seems different.
people say that Im picky of a guy. mother says too. I feel... I don't know why Im too picky to choose. I just want the best of my life, and its started from now. even I know im too young to thinking of.
I know I need.. I need their to make me safe. listening to all my daily, share, and commit life..
WHERE do I find ?
WHEN do I find ?
WHAT IF I already found but I was thrown them away my life cause Im the type of doubtful, afraid of, he'd be not good.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
type of a girl
generally, we known from a long time that guys exactly see a girl by pshically. further more, he would look in heart of girl. mostly guy, after see the outside, a guy certainly see the inside. lets see what mostly girls are. The bad and the good. then which one are you ?
*is looking very well outside but inside it is a bunch of money hungry taker
*she is very friendly, nice at the beginning but after some time you'll see that no matter how much you give her, she wants more
*always upset and angry
* has a bad opinion about a man, sees only the wrong sides of the man
*type of a girl which sees life like a battle
* you don't have any future with her, she has simmering anger at men which can explode at any moment
*she only know they love and the man in love too, without knowing as if there's a mask behind the man's face
*she considering all in a good case
*a pure inside
*she never think anyone would hurting her by
*she becomes shy when she hears something flirty
*she doesn't hate anyone and doesn't thinks so much about all complications life
*when in love with someone, she wouldn't make him hold her hand or do anything stupid
*so that all friends talk about how good she is
4. The Childish girl
*everything in life hurts this kind of girl
*is the type a girl who cries alot, every innocent comment or criticism will upset her
*avoid to this kind of girl because if youre dating one you'll have to spend all time apologizing even if you didn't make any mistake
*avoid also long term with her because she's capable of suicide if you wanna leave her and all the blame will be thrown on yourself
5. The romantic girl
* she doesn't know the real the world is
*she was grown in the area that she is princess
*she's very dreamy, imagining things, expecting prince charming come after her
*this lives in the world of moves and romance novels
6. The uptown girl
*she's very rich
*she only dates the best of best
*is entrirely focused on herself
*everything she has is better than yours and she wants to make sure that you know it
*needs to be constant center of attention no matter what she does or where she does
*she's very selfish, self indulgent grown up as "daddy's little girl"
7. Controlling girl
*wants to control you everything you do, wear or eat
*likes to have total control in your relationship and on you too
*if you control her too, she became angry, cry, scream or use any deceptive female tactic until you give up
8. The backstabbing girl
Its the most common appear, such a shit talker
*she always seems like friendly and sweet as sweety a bee
*what've being private secret, then spread be in public
*mean lot of things behind a face
*got a set of loose lips
*likes to twisting stories
how does it feels ?
Idk. I do, maybe. and when I told this, no fucking one exactly understand and just giving me an old advice. Do I wrong when I just want people care?
A boyfriend, exactly I need, but seems can't easily find the right one. so who I should find?
friends, even bestfriends, they are not me. they don't really know well how I feel. just an advice and all the things fun and some sad stories they can handle me. but they can't really handle my loneliness.
Dear God..
be with me everytime please.........
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My 21 Senior High School
the person in this picture named Eshany Ashila, she's my bestfriend too. she have been and being there when I have a problem. especially with boys. lol :) I knew her for 3 years. now we are finally "LULUS"! when she was on the 10 graduated, she loved editing photoshop, playing games, collecting gogirl! magazine. and the most appreciated me for her is.. she makes a plan, then targetting what she wants to be. and mostly, she has that goal ! Good for you darl !
Here is again, still the same, but not all joining this photo. hm.. we have called name a big group. PG was the named. the name was made by Vallentino Panjaitan, she's part of PG but she was almost never took photo. and we love Valen eventhough we didn't know where she is now.. but we're all love you valen.
lets move!
It's my third grade, my social one. full of happiness and we known each other for a long time. the moments was greatful. I don't know why, but everything seemed funny and the laughter was show on everyday. "we're all in one. we're are one, we're all the same, we're here together, now-and hope for forever,VIENAS !"
Vienas was name of our third class, the name VIENAS means ONE. thats why we told, we are all the same, we are one. in this grade, we understood about a togetherness. and in this grade too, I found friends and made ladies as a group that we are together no matter the things we have.
- bellow, this was taken when our school held a TURBOPLAST, stands for TURnamen BOla PLASTik. we are the secondary winner of all class. the 1st winner was class of science2.
- and I always remember the BK's room in our school. whenever we need, even just for "leha leha" or just figure out jokes with student or conselour teacher, we go to there !
this picture was taken in the morning after promnight. yea :D I reaaally LOVE this pict. look like we so full of happiness here, and so we did. I'd tell the name. on the most left, she's named Alodia Amanda. she always cheering me up and always be the person who can think about "what if" questions. she thinks critically. loves draw, and think about filsafat. the next after alodia, there's Uswatun Khasanah and we usually called UUS. she likes taking pict and she's the most honest. even just go to club, she should say to her parents. so she rather didn't, lol. peace :)
next after uus, there's Rossy Apriany Kennedy, she has the same sad ending story like me. and boys, who ever close to her, mostly said she's unique, ya I think so :). after rossy, there's Dessy Pertiwi Sinambela, called Ecy. she is tough, has a good sense of humor, and brave for almost anyone. she almost never afraid of anyone, she never afraid even her foe is a fat woman, wonderwoman or anything. but she's afraid of her father. anything he said, she did. beside dessy's me :)
beside me, on the most right, there's Early Carlia, she's nice, always listening on both parties whenever and whoever the problem is. she sometimes hardcore but sometimes goes back slow. she's my immagination friend. lol. she was my craziest chairmate. thanks for the silliest jokes and or the dumb act. she's my parter in crime, especially "in thinks" crime that over immagination, lol. there are two person who were not in this photo. but they are appear on the top pict, on promnight photo. they are Savira Crith and Adela Theda. they both nice also. Savira wore a lil hat and she sat between me and rossy. Adela theda wore a red dress and sat between rossy and dessy. In this photo, there's Savira on the most left. used black blouse.